TY Mental Health Project

The Transition year students submitted their first Key Assignment which was based on mental health. They all designed and created a cover for the Mental Health of Ireland Association and will be posted off next week to the head office in Dublin. At present they are displayed in the senior assembly for the teachers to decide a winner for an internal competition within the school. Photos to follow.

More information on this issue of Mental Health can be found at this address: http://www.mentalhealthireland.ie/projects-a-activities/design-a-cover.html

Life Drawing Week!! (November 5th-9th)

This week is your first life drawing week of this year. For the first years, its a very new and daunting thing but like everything else-with lots of practice you can learn lots of little skills and techniques to help you which makes it a very enjoyable part of art. For the rest of you- lots of hard work and experimentation will be done inorder to improve your life drawing skills.

Junior Cert themes!

ATTENTION ALL JUNIOR CERTS: The Junior certificate themes are up in the Junior Certificate tab up above (in-case you have mislaid your papers). All guidelines are there and all deadlines. Remember guys, you have to work on your prep sheets at home so I expect to see lots of work when we get back after mid-term.

First deadline is November 25th! All pages must be completed. That is the prep sheet, the support study and also your finished piece.

C42 are working on the 3D section. Prep drawings are under way and looking very exciting. Some have started the actual 3D which is great. Still lots of work to be done!

C22 are working on the 2D section. Some great ideas and drawings are under way also. Keep up the good work guys and keep churning out the wonderful drawings and ideas!!