Design a Cover Art Project Success!!

Peter Grubb


A huge congratulations has to be made to Peter Grubb in Transition Year for his design for the Design a Cover competition. As you know, last year all the transition year students designed covers for the competition and Eilish Bonner was the winner within the Rosses Community School.

Peters design was selected as the Ulster Provincial Winner! He now will go forward as a National Finalist.

All finalists are invited to the National Public Speaking Project Final which will be held in the Edmund Burke Theatre, Trinity College, Dublin on Saturday April 27th. The national winner of the Design a Cover competition will be announced after the interval at 6pm and trophies will be awarded to all finalists and teachers.

This a huge achievement for Peter and we wish him the best of luck in the final.

Disneys new animation that combines 2D drawing with 3D computer animation!

I came across this online and couldn’t resist sharing it. Please take 6 minutes to watch this beautiful animation.

With its minimalist black-and-white style, the short follows the story of a lonely young man(George) in mid-century New York City, whose destiny takes an unexpected turn after a chance meeting with a beautiful woman (Meg) on his morning commute. Convinced that the girl of his dreams is gone forever, he gets his second chance when he spots her in a skyscraper window across the avenue from his office. With only his heart, imagination and a stack of papers to get her attention, his efforts are no match for what fate  has in store for him.

In our fast-paced times and overpopulated cities we never really pay attention to anyone around us. But what happens when you feel a spontaneous, completely unjustified connection with someone you cross paths with momentarily? You look at them, they look at you and then they’re gone. Infatuation takes over. So you ask yourself: Is there any way that fate can conspire for you two to meet again?

Inspired by the time he spent in New York City, commuting back and forth to work from Grand Central Station, first-time director John Kahrs takes the art of animation in an exciting new direction with the Oscar-nominatedshort film Paperman. Created by a small, innovative team working at Walt Disney Animation Studios,Paperman introduces a groundbreaking technique that seamlessly merges computer-generated and hand-drawn animation techniques, thus bringing the two-dimensional into a three-dimensional world. In just over 6 minutes the film manages to present a full love story complete with universally identifiable characters, obstacles set by fate, an engaging climax and a well-deserved happy ending.

Leaving Certificate Craft Mocks!!!

Tomorrow is the craft mock for the current 6th year students. They have been working hard (I hope) on their prep sheets for the past week ready to create some amazing works of art tomorrow. It is a 5 hour exam which is never easy so lets hope they have a good breakfast in them and are ready for a long days hard work! I am sure there will be panic and tears but also a huge sense of pride at the end of all.

After all, Cezanne once said “A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.”

I would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the very best of luck. 

Miss O’ Hart

6th Class induction

The art department had 110 6th class students pass through its doors today. We had lots of fun learning about what Art actually is and they made door hangers to take home with them. Unfortunately I couldn’t take any photos of the lovely work but here is a link to a video that they got to see about what actually happens inside the Art room.

New photos!

Check out new photos of 1st and 2nd year projects in the Junior Cert section. Just click on the Gallery and you will find them all there.


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Design a cover competition winner!!!

And the winner of the ipad is…….. Eilish Bonner!
Eilish designed a very effective piece that described Mental health problems very well. All of the finished pieces were put before all the staff in the school to vote and also sent to people who have suffered from Mental health problems. One girl stated that she loved lots of them and really loved all the colour that is so important for lifting your mood but she found that Eilish’s design really struck something inside her. She said “I really love the colourful ones but sometimes when you’re ‘in it’ there is no colour. That’s why the first one (Eilish’s design) strikes me the most and the message is so true….it’s not like cancer or a broken leg or diabetes whereby you can get treatment and people ‘understand’.
So well done to all that entered and a huge thank you needs to be expressed to Mr Gorman and Mrs Forrestal for supplying the Apple ipad for the winning design. The other designs will be uploaded in the TY section shortly.


TY Mental Health Project

The Transition year students submitted their first Key Assignment which was based on mental health. They all designed and created a cover for the Mental Health of Ireland Association and will be posted off next week to the head office in Dublin. At present they are displayed in the senior assembly for the teachers to decide a winner for an internal competition within the school. Photos to follow.

More information on this issue of Mental Health can be found at this address:

Life Drawing Week!! (November 5th-9th)

This week is your first life drawing week of this year. For the first years, its a very new and daunting thing but like everything else-with lots of practice you can learn lots of little skills and techniques to help you which makes it a very enjoyable part of art. For the rest of you- lots of hard work and experimentation will be done inorder to improve your life drawing skills.

Junior Cert themes!

ATTENTION ALL JUNIOR CERTS: The Junior certificate themes are up in the Junior Certificate tab up above (in-case you have mislaid your papers). All guidelines are there and all deadlines. Remember guys, you have to work on your prep sheets at home so I expect to see lots of work when we get back after mid-term.

First deadline is November 25th! All pages must be completed. That is the prep sheet, the support study and also your finished piece.

C42 are working on the 3D section. Prep drawings are under way and looking very exciting. Some have started the actual 3D which is great. Still lots of work to be done!

C22 are working on the 2D section. Some great ideas and drawings are under way also. Keep up the good work guys and keep churning out the wonderful drawings and ideas!!

Leaving Certificate and Junior Certificate Results 2012

A huge congratulations to all those that did the Leaving certificate and Junior certificate in the summer. The results were fantastic. All the hard work paid off. For the Leaving certs who have now started on your third level journey, we wish you the best of luck! Let the fun and hard work begin.

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